
December 24, 2007 posted by: joreg

well, it is that time of year again. happy birthday vvvv. you may not have counted, but she is 5 official years old today. horray. see the Change Log for what she’s gone through lately and get her freshest bytes from the Downloads. may she loop on forever and we love you very much.

ah and oh, what is there on the horizon? the vvvv group humbly presents: TimelinerSA - A Multipurpose Timeline still very early in beta, it already sends its timed data via UDP\OSC to any software you may missuse. since timelining is a very general task not at all limited to use within vvvv we thought it makes sense to realize a timeline as a separate piece of software. TimelinerSA runs crossplatform and is soon be blessed with an opensource license, therefore being completely free for any kind of use. in a later version Timeliner will also be available as a native node for optimal usage within vvvv. still some debugging needed on this one though. and while the AlphaTesters already identified the most nasty bits (thanks you verymuch) still beware of the very freshness of the code.

lets dance!

merry whatever and a veryveryveryvery new year, wishes yours truly, the vvvv group.



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