vvvv beginners workshop part2 @ Xinchejian Shanghai
February 14, 2012 posted by: elektromeier Guest PostThe second part of the workshop focusing on doing things in 3D space and explains some basics for that we had no time in the first part:
basics & a bit more:
-Subpatches: Organise your patches in subpatches. modularity, reuse your patches later. -More spreadoperations: select, getslice, setslice, spectralnodes & binsizes etc. -Multiple renderers and transform them to create large multiscreen projections. (example: projections on large buildings) -Using the output of the renderer as a texture. Create an animationpatch convert it to a texture and use cool PostFX filters on it. -Nodes for creating and manipulating textures. -Filternodes, smoothly filter between changing values for creating nice and smooth animations.
exploring 3d-space -Terminolgy (Mesh, Vertices, Texturecoords, UV Mapping, Indices, Normals etc). -Using cameratransformations (perspective, position, orientation) on the renderer and animating the camera. -Transformations in 3D Space -About shaders and how to use them -Mesh Import from 3d software (.Xfile, Collada) -Having Fun with spreading in 3d Space -A simple 3d mapping example on one or more cubes.
If theres time&energy left: -Using Kinect to create interactive graphics -Connecting vvvv to an iphone or android phone to control patches via OSC -Connecting arduino to vvvv to use sensors, control Motors etc…
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