vvvv workshop= earlier

January 3, 2012 posted by: NoART Guest Post
Who:Noart, vsup and ciant
Location:Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze
Where:náměstí Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1,Prague, Czechia
From:27 Jan 2012 09:00
To:27 Jan 2012 15:08

NOART and VSUP are suggesting a workshop about VVVV, a special programming toolkit using motion graphics, audio and video in real-time. It is based on visual programming in simple graphic user interface which allows a creative work of absolute beginners.

The main lecturer Andrej Boleslavský (CIANT) is a professional game designer and programmer. The workshop is originally designed for Interactive Media students. The main goal of the workshop is to provide a basic practical knowledge about VVVV toolkit and to create a simple real-time interactive work.


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03.01.2012 - 19:07

Too bad that I have already full schedule. I’d love to get better with VVVV and Andrej is great lecturer! But I have to recommend this to everyone near Prague, and I think trip from Slovakia may be worth it either.

Martin aka Sphere42 (FaVU)



vvvv - Dießl & Gregor GbR
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10997 Berlin/Germany
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