In July and August the regular NODE+CODE meetup is a guest of the DAM Gallery in Frankfurt.
On August 27th NODE + CODE will virtually invite Matthew Epler, founder of the ReCode Project , for a Skype talk to DAM Gallery Frankfurt.
Epler has set up a website to invite people to get to know and translate works by early digital artists like Manfred Mohr into the Processing programming language based on scans from old “Computer Graphics and Art” magazines. Any work translated there receives an open source license and can be accessed and remixed through the website. However, we will discuss if it makes sense to port those works to processing only and if there is a reason or need to put other languages on the list of interest.
ReCode is an attempt to spread, analyse and preserve early artistic work of digital nature - an honourly intent, if there wasn’t the complicated relationship between authorship and open access. Additionally, we will discuss if reverse engineering is actually possible in this case considering that we have just one possible artifact, the one software generated plotter print. Can this be a proper reconstruction of a whole computer artwork? Together with Wolf Lieser, gallerist of DAM, we will be discussing the position and possible reluctance of artists whose work is recoded. Join us at NODE+ CODE’s August edition!
DAM Gallery Frankfurt Gutleutstraße 17 60329 Frankfurt am Main
NODE+CODE meetups are a monthly digital / art get together organised by basis Frankfurt and NODE Forum for Digital Arts.
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