that obviously didn’t work out as i planned. velcromeuser who won the competition to write the review for october apologized for being to deep into vvvv projects to make it this time. fair enough, hard to argue against the generating of licenses.. so let me try this again.
first: if you haven’t already done so, do yourself a favor and switch to the latest and greatest:
- vvvv45beta34.2
- addons45beta34.201 we haven’t heard any serious complaints about it yet. just sayin… and also the addonpack now includes a polished version of @manuel ’s original photoshop-layer reader. that should be quite useful for some of you.
- and here are just a few notes on what has recently changed on vvvv.org: website-updates-2
again there’ve been a couple of new or updates to existing contributions. as always you can find them all here, this is a list of only my favorites:
- vth1618user shared his excel-readerbeta-contribution
- gumilastikuser forgot to add a changelog but apparently there’s an update to his htmltexture-(dx11)beta-contribution
- honixuser shared his polar-menubeta-contribution in dx9 and dx11 flavours
- and from u7angeluser comes a quickndirty implementation of an object-character-recognitionbeta-contribution algorithm
not a contribution yet, but i am hoping for one here: AKa-visualsuser posted this nexus-renderer screenshot followed up by a pointer by synthuser to https://github.com/triss/duplex-nexus-osc now combine this with exposed IOBoxes and there you go..anyone?
also it seems LaserLarsuser is working on something gcode related, see: gcoderimage-engrave
Oldies but goldies
this section is to point out older contributions that should be quite interesting to some of you. this time: if you’re using OSC a lot to communicate between different instances of vvvv or even other software/devices, you should have a look at this as a probably more comfortable alternative:
- mqtt-sender-receiverbeta-contribution by korrianderuser
- related node15 workshop material: https://github.com/JOxBERGER/IoT-Intro
from the things that landed in our gallery in october i found this interactive game by students of the Muthesius Kunsthochschule quite ql. not only because it features a computer voice!
then i stumbled upon the Apollochatter by Urs Basteck who apparently is using the evvvvil-tweet-enginebeta-contribution
if you haven’t seen it yet, go watch: Mirror (M2) by the always crazy http://schnellebuntebilder.de
also, if you’re among the unfortunate that use instagram you might as well follow these profiles for they are posting quite nice vvvv images from time to time:
- https://instagram.com/waltzbinaire/
- https://instagram.com/schnellebuntebilder
- https://instagram.com/idwyr/
VL stuff
just a little update regarding VL: we’re hard working-on/learning VL ourselves. it’s coming along very nicely. latest additions that can also be used in vvvv (if you use the latest alphaversion):
- /forum-alpha/artnet-vl-plugin (multi subnet/universe node)
- /forum-alpha/leap-vl-plugin
- and tonfilmuser wrote us a nice roundup on what you get regarding polar-spherical-and-geographic-coordinates in VL
anyone up for doing the november review please stand up (in the comments). again, if nobody wants to do this i’ll eventually appoint someone.
meanwhile thanks everyone for your great contributions, have a great month!
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Shameless University Promotion:
lots of Muthesius University in this blogpost…
so ppl, if you like doing your masters/bachelor degree in the cold, grey north of germany. and use grey software - > Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel
not enough ? you want some fame ? one of the Muthesius projects just recieved the German Design Award in Gold and was made with vvvv http://gallery.designpreis.de/gdagallery/show/Project/next-generation-scientific-poster.html