Forum. New!

October 25, 2016 posted by: joreg

dir patchers,

in a quest to gradually modernize we present to you step one: a new forum.

Here is what’s new

  • the forum is now using the brilliant open-source software so you may want to check out their site to get an overview of the possibilities
  • it comes with a dedicated mobile theme
  • as requested previously you can now use markdown to format postings
  • links to external sites get embedded with a preview if you put them in an extra line
  • you can now “Like” a post instead of posting an answer with only “+1” to show your appreciation for it
  • the search seems to works supa good so we got rid of tags for “topics” and only use them for special labeling
  • the main categories are: ** question: Question about using vvvv or vl ** feature: Feature requests regarding vvvv or vl ** bug: Bug reports regarding vvvv or vl ** general: General statements or discussions not necessarily about vvvv or vl ** website: Discussion about the website including this forum, the wiki, the blogs,…

Use of Tags

Instead of using a usercontributed tag-cloud approach as we did in the old forum so far we decided to try something different this time and only use tags very selectively:

  • please use the vl tag to let us know you’re posting about VL
  • please use the alpha tag if you’re posting about an alpha version
  • please use the devvvv tag if you’re posting about the sdk or developing a plugin

And some caveats:

  • pasting links from does not automatically convert them to pretty links anymore. you’ll now always have to manually use markdown syntax to do that. it is not so hard, the wysiwyg editor helps you.
  • the search for and the forum are now separate
  • same for bookmarks: there are now separate bookmarks for the forum
  • forum entries are no longer listed on the activities overview page which means that you’ll now have to check 2 places (activities and forum) for news
  • no more flattr integration in the forum (which didn’t seem to have been used much anyway)
  • the shoutbox is not available while viewing the forum
  • there can now only be one solution per thread. this is due to a lack of functionality in the Accepted Answers Plugin for discourse. any ruby-on-rails aficionados out there who want to give this a shot?
  • your existing subscriptions for individual threads have not been moved over to the new forum. you’re now “tracking” each thread you’ve participated in and can of course change that again for each thread individually
  • discourse has its own personal profile settings

Sorry for those inconveniences.

Hope you find our new place for discussions comfy. Feedback welcome as a comment below or in the website section of the forum. Have a good discourse!


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25.10.2016 - 13:07
can we get v4p and zip upload back in the forum?
25.10.2016 - 13:22
aight, they are back. thanks for the pointer.
02.12.2016 - 20:26

a couple of updates:

  • @sunep: an indicator of “new topics available in forum” is now available in the activities
  • @manuel: there is now a link from userpage to forum-profile. the other way round is still missing
  • mobile now has a header so you can navigate back to the main page
  • @readme has shared a way to apply custom css-styling to the forum if you’re not happy with the defaults, in this topic.
25.10.2016 - 15:26
fuckyeah, awesome! nice stuff! next stop the contrib page (khm with vpm khm :D)
25.10.2016 - 16:15

how about an indication that there is something new and unread in the forum in the activities view and vice versa.

this way we can check one place and see if there is something new.

26.10.2016 - 08:14
Yay! Discourse! Very happy to see the new change :D Email digests for the week… you save my day!
26.10.2016 - 11:34

Not only this, also that other users, rather than just OP, can mark an answer as solution, if this is still a thing, though.

26.10.2016 - 18:57
dankeschön for the effort
26.10.2016 - 20:55
i was so much used to the old one that i was a bit shoked to be honest. like if someone replaces your living room suddenly…
27.10.2016 - 12:40
next stop - a new gallery - masonry or grid styled ^^
27.10.2016 - 17:42

And google search can cover forum and vvvv site ?

It would be nice to have at least a link back to the user vvvv user profile in the forum user profile..



vvvv - Dießl & Gregor GbR
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10997 Berlin/Germany
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