Zoom, Pan, Rotate TouchGestures

December 14, 2016 posted by: woei Guest Post

this little feature upgrade for both vvvv and vl has been lingering around the alphas for a year already…

do you (have to) create touch applications with vvvv? then read ahead: Pan, Zoom, Rotate, TwoFingerTap and PressAndTap touch gestures are now handed over to you via the GestureDevice. As expected they’re multitouch capable, so they report an ID, the position, the distance (Pan & Zoom amount) or the Rotation, and a device ID (in case you have multiple monitors hooked up) vvvv gesture nodes

gesture node set in vvvv As with the Touch nodes, these also rely on the windows message loop. so touchscreens with windows capable drivers required. fortunately most screens do have these nowadays…

check the helppatches for a microdemo

As mentioned, everything is accessible in VL as well. though you have the equivalent of the vvvv nodes as the one GestureState node you see a lot more nodes. due to VL understanding types it’s possible to have much more fine grained control over how to deal with the incoming gesture events. vl gesture nodes

vl gesture node set

hope you like it, happy fingering


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