Everywhen is dark, depressive and captivating contemplation on the recurrence in history. Everywhen orbits around two sides of life - the personal and the political. An often caring, gentle and well-meaning personal life is contrasted here with the reality of the social individual, who can often be sinister, vengeful and hateful. But how can we be critical to our own world views when they are created by those closest to us?
Trailer https://vimeo.com/249193177
Visuals, concept: Mária Júdová Dance, concept: Soňa Ferienčíková Music, concept: Alexandra Timpau Lights: Ints Plavnieks Technical support: Andrej Boleslavský, Constantine Nisidis Produced by: BOD.Y – Zuzana Hájková Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council
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