so here we are,
in the middle of the summer hole and bad news first, we still haven’t come to terms with a proper update on the 2 last remaining features for vvvv gamma 2019.1 that are (as mentioned before) better tooltips and executable export. good news, there is progress:
big deal: .vl files compiled to .dlls
besides, our work on the node-library is doing well. currently in the works and already available for testing are:
so grab the latest preview and give those and everything else a spin. this is really a good time to get into vvvv gamma and report your findings. mentioned already last month, but this deserves a recall: be sure to watch the latest design pattern video tutorials by dottoreuser, they’ll get you going builing proper apps with vvvv as has not been possible before!
first up a huge drop in the wip section by enouser VL.Tilda, a timeliner for vl!
all the new stuff:
and the updates:
- Instance Noodlesbeta-contribution by everyoneishappyuser
- FieldTripbeta-contribution by everyoneishappyuser
- Happy.fxhbeta-contribution by everyoneishappyuser
.inf by wispuserand more:
and as always if you’re looking for a vvvv job or even have one to announce, remember these:
- Worldwide jobs via our forum
- Worldwide jobs via
- Jobs in Germany via Das Auge
that was it for june. anything to add? please do so in the comments!
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