vvvvhat happened in October 2019

November 2, 2019 posted by: joreg

So another month passed,

and the promised executable export from vvvv gamma is still not available. Bummer, but all we can say is, this is not how it was planned! We got caught up in a few things. November it shall be, most definitely…Still be sure to always test with the latest vvvv gamma preview which we’re continuously updating. Also the first 3 beginner tutorials are now available:

and besides those here is a growing playlist of HowTos. Hope this can finally get you started proper.

Also we’re making good progress on our way to integrating the Xenko 3d engine with vvvv gamma and we’ve announced an official partnership with Xenko.

On the beta front we have a release candidate out. We’re very happy about your feedback that helped us get rid of many buggers before we call it a release. As of this writing we’re quite positive this can now happen soon.

Teaching Patching happened and it was great! You can watch the whole stream to hear interesting accounts of people involved with teaching vvvv. On day two we got to talk more about how we could take this further. Current developments are organized on github

And if you haven’t seen it yet, a short video documentation about the last edition of the NODE festival was just released. Good reminder of the cozy time we had there:

Binge potential:

  • vvvvTv on youtube is now prepared to collect all future beta and gamma related videos. Expect tutorials, howtos, releasenotes and live streams there.
  • the vimeo group ‘vvvv’ was initiated by phluser ages ago for which we wanna say thankyouverymuch. He now handed it over so we can manage it from our end. Expect a stream of the latest fine projects of patchers worldwide.

Upcoming dates

A lot is happening this month, save those dates:


More works in progress have been posted:

That was it for October. Anything to add? Please do so in the comments!


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vvvv - Dießl & Gregor GbR
Oranienstrasse 10
10997 Berlin/Germany
VAT: DE275566955


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