LINK - the vvvv Summer Camp 24 - Wrapup

September 18, 2024 posted by: amir Guest Post
From:22 Aug 2024 12:00
To:25 Aug 2024 12:00

Thanks to evvvveryone who made this amazing gathering possible and memorable. Over the four days at the summer camp, participants engaged in smaller groups to chat, share ideas, and discuss various topics. The following is a brief overview of each topic, who was involved, and the direction of the discussions.

Meet the participants:

Now let’s have a look at what has happened:

01. Laser

TremensS, tomson, ravel_of, Noor, Maxime, eddyoaa, notfelix, dalrae


  • Laser safety induction by TremensS
  • Potential upcoming workshop by TremensS
  • Patch sharing on element channel

02. Plotter

iorec, m4d, larsek


  • They got the core functionality working
  • Can draw basic SVG elements, (primitives only)
  • Skia will get a GCodeWriter node

03. Controlling software

Natan Sinigaglia, gregsn, David Brüll, azeno, texone


  • How to simplify Kairos for typical usecases
  • How Kairos and Global Channels work together
  • Seeing and timelining global channel data
  • We now know where we want to get to and how it should feel like, implementation details come later
  • Particle life help patch already showcases some ideas
  • Trying to find common UI workflows
  • Kairos as a VL extension progress made by azeno and Natan
  • Currently working on adding a default timeline
  • New nuget is already available! Read the announcement on the VL.Kairos chat for more information.

04. AI

benju, Hayden_A


  • Measured general interest
  • Collected ideas and usecases
  • Auto node completion
  • XML copy/paste tests (AI generates XML that we can paste into the editor as nodes)
  • Loading models insisde vvvv by Hayden (coming soon…)
  • azeno is getting involved in providing data to be used by models

05. Teaching Patching

benju, iorec, David Brüll, sebl, automath


  • General discussion about education in the field of media arts
  • Finding a good opener topic for beginners
  • Generating WOW effect for students
  • Why are we using vvvv as a tool to teach programming to media art students?
  • F1 blue bubbles are clickable! (they show all help patches where a node is used)

06. Supercollider

chk Discussions:

  • Audio driver is running
  • VL integration for audio synthesis application
  • Two approaches possible, higher level nodeset by chk, lower level nodeset by cnisidis
  • cnisidis is already working on underlying scaffolding

07. VJing tool

eddyoaa, prt, ravel_of, chk


  • Goal is to address media artists who maybe don’t want to go so deep into the programming side
  • Framework/scaffolding to build VJ tools
  • Patch your own effects
  • Standalone application
  • Editor only patch
  • Gamma extension
  • ravel_of already has a tool which was used as a baseline as is already being extended (almost ready…)
  • Element channel coming

10. Steam Games

CeeYaa, ravazquez, amir, reaktant


  • General interest in bringing gamma built games and experiences into Steam to draw attention to vvvv and Stride in other communitites
  • Using steam to share not only games but also interactive experiences (music visualizer, meditation/excercise apps, virtual worlds, AR content)
  • In depth review of steamworks publishing workflow and pipelines
  • Test CeeYaa’s ImGui game launcher prototype
  • Initial integration of reaktant’s gamepad support into existing games
  • We need a studio name and logo!

11. TOR Browser

sebescudie, dlvr


  • Nuget TOR browser support was developed and published during LINK!
  • Allows scrapping of data without restrictions (new IPs can be easily obtained if current IP is blocked/banned)
  • Allows access to the web from different countries. (Useful by geofencing.)
  • Allows access to the dark side of the web (be nice and handle with care!)

12. FUSE+TextureFX

gregsn, azeno, sebl, Natan Sinigaglia


  • How do these two worlds relate to each other?

  • How can we improve inter-operability?

NODE Institute

David Brüll

workshop ideas for the coming semester:

  •  A workshop about controlling lasers by TremensS
  •  A workshop covering best practices about Building Applications in vvvv by sebl and ravazquez
  •  A hands on Supercollider + vvvv workshop by chk
  •  Creative Robots series workshop by amir


Special thanks to sebl who kicked off a series of conversation and project showcases.

sebl, chk, amir, ravazquez, David Brüll, Maxime


  • Overview of interactive application made in FUSE with amazing water material shaders, swimmers and jumping dolphins!
  • Project structure discussion with chk
  • Comparison between architectures and approaches when building gamma applications
  • Workshop in the making with ravazquez

Node based Haiku

During the summer camp, the patcher-poets showcased their node-based Haiku skills, give them a moment and enjoy what the nodes have to tell you. Here is another one:

Once again, we are grateful to everyone who made this possible, and we’re already looking forward to next year.




vvvv - Dießl & Gregor GbR
Oranienstrasse 10
10997 Berlin/Germany
VAT: DE275566955


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