…for the delayed review. As you may have noticed we had a bit of summer going on lately. Most notably we had a very cozy time at LINK24 together with a bunch of you. Once again thanks to everyone involved making these 4 days such a lovvvvely experience. Here is a little LINK24 wrapup of what happened there.
Then there was Ars Electronica in Linz with quite a vvvview things on display!
Meanwhile, in our ongoing quest to support more and more devices out-of-the-box, here are the most recent additions:
Learning vvvv
Here are current opportunities for getting started with vvvv:
- September 13/14 in Vienna: An introductory vvvv/FUSE workshop as part of the NOISE festival
- Starting October 7th online: A 12 session vvvv beginner course run via The NODE Institute
- Don’t forget that you can alwyas enroll and access the previous semester’s workshop content.
And our new beginner tutorial series now already features 2 videos:
And one date to save:
- Webinar on Octber 2nd: Rhino meets realtime with vvvv
Many thanks to those of you who help complete vvvv with countless additions! For an overview of libraries available for vvvv start here.
We got two new ones:
And updates to these:
Plus an update in the forum’s work-in-progress section:
VW Iconic immersive space by wirmachenbuntJobs
- Always keep an eye on the vvvv job board
- There maybe some more on The Interactive & Immersive Job Board and dasauge.de
- If you need a vvvv specialist or are one yourself, check out this listing of vvvv specialists available for hire
That was it for August. Anything to add? Please do so in the comments!